Are You Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired?
You don’t have to travel to Birmingham, AL. 95% of my practice is phone consults! Call 205-879-2383 for a $147 phone or in clinic consult today! Find out more, CLICK HERE.
“At 71, I now have more energy than I have had in years, feel great, and I am back tending to my beautiful garden for hours and hours and loving every minute!”
“Lost just over 50 lbs, and feel so incredible. “I feel and look healthy for the first time in my adult life. I’m so glad I did this. So Blessed!”
“I felt more connected with Dr. Murphree than I have with any local doctor I have seen. I’m sleeping better, my energy is way up, and I feel great!”
“I was bedridden with pain and fatigue. Now, I’ve lost 40 lbs., pain is very low, IBS and fog are gone, and I’m sleeping 6-8 hours a night!”
“Being an RN for 43 years, this was a whole new way of thinking. I am so glad I did this – I have my health completely back!”
You don’t have to travel to Birmingham, AL. 95% of my practice is phone consults! Call 205-879-2383 for a $147 phone or in clinic consult today! Find out more, CLICK HERE.
Learn How My Patients Have Beaten Fibromyalgia, and Feel Good Again!
If you want to look and feel good again, this book is for you! Learn how to get a good night’s sleep – night after night – dramatically reduce your pain, boost your metal and physical energy, eliminate IBS and RLS. And, best of all, do it without dangerous drugs. LEARN MORE
Dr. Rodger H. Murphree, D.C., C.N.S.
P.O.Box 100942
Irondale, AL 35210
Ph: (205) 879-2383
Toll-free: (888) 884-9577