What Would It Feel Like to Sleep Through The Night?
What would it feel like to dramatically reduce your pain?
How would you feel if you had the energy to clean your house, go to the store, garden, go back to work, or simply get out of bed and start new day?
My Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package lays the foundation for getting healthy and feeling good again.
For the past twenty years, I’ve successfully treated thousands of patients with high does of certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients—an approach known as orthomolecular medicine, or functional medicine. It’s based solely on biochemistry, using the right chemicals inherently natural to your body’s optimal functioning.
In short, by using the natural building blocks that make up your normal biochemistry, I can correct, drastically improve, or even reverse, the cause of your symptoms. Nutrients—including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids—make the hormones that regulate your body. They compose every essential chemical in the body, including thyroid hormone, testosterone, estrogen, the brain chemicals or neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.), antibodies, adrenaline, cortisol, and white blood cells.
After successfully treating thousands of fibro patients over the last twenty years, I’ve found that it’s best to start with the following core nutrients, which I call the Jump-Start Package.
The supplements in this package are essential for reversing fibromyalgia and CFS/ME symptoms.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, I start my pain-and-fatigue patients on the four pillars of the Jump-Start Program from day one: 5-HTP, adrenal cortex, digestive enzymes, and an optimal daily dose multivitamin and mineral formula.
Why I ONLY Use Essential Therapeutics Line Of Supplements.
The number one reason is that after using them in my practice to help thousands of fibro patients, feel good again. I know they work!
Two, they are pharmaceutical grade pure, containing no artificial colorings, additives, fillers, yeast, gluten, corn or impurities.
This important in light of the fact that in the past the New York State attorney general’s office accused four major retailers of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and demanded that they remove the products from their shelves.
The authorities said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart — and found that four out of five of the products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powdered rice, asparagus and houseplants, and in some cases substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.
Yes there are cheaper supplements on the market. But I don’t trust “cheap” supplements for protocols. I do, however, trust twenty years of proven and effective protocols using tried and true supplements that have helped thousands feel good again. I never compromise on my patient’s health, neither should you.
What To Expect
When my patients begin the Jump-Start Package, they consistently report feeling better within two to four weeks. That’s because these supplements help address the UNDERLYING CAUSES of their fibromyalgia symptoms. I call these the four pillars, and we begin them all at the same time.
The Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package Contains These Four Products
- 5-HTP
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5HTP), plus the essential nutrients in the CFS/Fibro Pack, make the pain blocking, mood boosting, hormone, known as serotonin. Serotonin helps correct issues with poor sleep, chronic pain, low moods, brain fog, and IBS. Consistent deep, restorative sleep is the key for beginning the process of reversing the symptoms of fibromyalgia! Not all 5HTP is created equal. I know from years of experience that the 5HTP I recommend to my patients works and is the highest quality product on the market. You can cut corners and try different 5HTP brands but if they don’t work you’ve wasted your money.
Better to use what has already proven to work for the thousands of my patients.
- Adrenal Cortex
Once you start sleeping well with the help of the 5HTP and CFS/Fibro Formula supplements, you’ll start to restore your serotonin levels, and you’ll be feeling better than you have in years. However, if you don’t repair your sluggish adrenal glands, you’ll crash every time you attempt to overdo it. I know you can relate to having a day or two when you feel good and then overtaxing yourself only to “flare up” again and end up in bed for several days. The majority of those with fibro are struggling with adrenal fatigue. Their stress coping glands are deficient in cortisol and DHEA. These two hormones help reduce pain and fatigue and increase mental clarity and physical energy. They are crucial for allowing you to feel good again. These hormones allow you to have stamina and restitence to stress so you can avoid “ fibro flares.” If you truly want to feel good again on a consistent basis, you must, must correct any adrenal-fatigue issues.
In my practice I use a specially formulated pharmaceutical grade, adrenal cortex glandular from New Zealand. This adrenal cortex formula works well for my patients who report more they have more energy, more mental clarity, more tolerance to stressful events, and experience less pain, when taking the Essential Therapeutic Adrenal Cortex supplement.
- Digestive Enzymes
The majority of my patients are suffering from poor digestion, and most are taking antacids or proton-pump inhibiting medicines to block their stomach acids. This can cause further nutritional deficiencies. If you’re not breaking down and using the nutrients in your foods or the supplements your taking, you’ll be wasting your money and never feel as good as you could. That’s why I recommend that all of my patients take an 8X pancreatic digestive enzyme with each meal.
This special high dose 8x (twice as strong as other digestive enzymes) pancreatic enzyme formula helps to eliminate or greatly improve irritable bowel symptoms including bloating, gas, indigestion, loose bowel movements, constipation, and stomach pains common in fibromyalgia.
- The CFS/Fibro Formula
Vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids play a crucial role in reversing many of the most troubling symptoms of fibromyalgia. They with the help of 5HTP, adrenal cortex, and digestive enzymes, help reduce pain, restore deep restorative sleep, eliminate or greatly improve, IBS, RLS, brain fog, and low moods.
After working with fibromyalgia patients for the last twenty years now, I’m firmly convinced that without taking a good, optimal-daily-allowance multivitamin and mineral formula, similar to my CFS/Fibro Formula, patients will continue to struggle with poor health, day after day for years to come.
The Fibromyalgia Jump-Start Package has helped me help thousands of patients feel good again.
Start here, and give yourself some time to improve. As your stress-coping savings account builds up for a couple of weeks, you start to sleep through the night-you should definitely feel better. Some of you will show a dramatic improvement. Be careful not to over do it as you find that your pain dramatically goes down and your energy drastically increases.
Use the PROVEN protocols in my book to get a good night sleep, night after night, reduce your chronic fibro pain, boost your energy and mental clarity, reduce anxiety, depression, and eliminate IBS and RLS. Results are different for each person. Everyone is unique, however, results are often seen within a matter of a couple of weeks.
If you have questions or need any further help once taking the Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package, simply call the clinic 205-879-2383.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I take these supplements if I’m taking prescription medications?
Yes, the supplements in the Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package are designed so that you can take them even if you’re taking prescription medications.
- Should I stop my medications when I start the Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package supplements?
No. Start the supplements first, given them a few weeks until you are feeling much better, then work with your doctor to slowly wean off any medications you don’t need.
- Will I need to take additional supplements? Patients who work with me one on one (learn more about one on one phone consults at www.fibroconsults.com) usually start on the supplements in the Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package and add other supplements as needed.
Most do so much better on these essential nutrients, that they don’t need a lot of other supplements. L-theanine is great for anxiety, SAMe is great for energy, some will need over the counter thyroid or additional help with sleep, but usually the supplements in the Jump Start pack make a BIG difference, no matter if other supplements are used. Call the clinic 205-879-2383 if continue to struggle after starting the Fibromyalgia Jumpstart Package.
- Will I need to stay on these forever? My patients normally take these supplements for 6 months then gradually reduce doses of these supplements from two packs a day to one. If you need help then call the clinic 205-879-2383 and they can help you adjust your dose.
- How long does it take to see results?
My patients typically see dramatic results in 2-4 weeks after stating the supplements. Of course they have the advantage of working with me personally in a on eon one program, have had special, thorough testing done and know exactly what supplements they need to be on. However if you’ll follow the instructions sent with the Fibro Jump Start and those in my book, there is no reason why you can’t feel DRAMATICALLY better in 2-3 weeks.
Reestablishing Deep Restorative Sleep Is Crucial. Get this right and all else follows. My Fibromyalgia Jump Start Package lays the foundation for you to correct any unknown nutritional deficiencies that are causing your fibro symptoms of pain, low energy, poor sleep, IBS, RLS, brain fog, and low moods.
Some will need one on one coaching with me in order to unravel your complicated illness. Go here to learn about one on one phone consults www.fibroconsults.com
or call: 205-879-2383