Stop Heartburn, Bloating, Gas, and Pain
Do you suffer with bloating, gas, irritable bowel, constipation,…

Fibromyalgia. Should you exercise? Not until you do this.
Exercise is often recommended as a way to manage fibromyalgia…

Fibromyalgia and the Mind-Body-Gut Connection
In a past blog I wrote about the connection between our gut and…

Fibromyalgia & Deep Restorative Quality Sleep
Some of the hallmarks of fibromyalgia are fatigue, feeling un-refreshed…

Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune Disease Is There A Connection?
Could fibromyalgia be due to an autoimmune disease?
New research…

How to reduce a common trigger of fibromyalgia symptoms.
Antioxidants, Oxidative Stress and Fibromyalgia
Research suggests…

Dr. Murphree Talks Hoshimoto's Thyroiditis
Low thyroid or hypothyroidism is a common condition associated…

Sneak peek at Fibro Rescue Training-fixing reflux, heartburn, and irritable bowel
I wanted to share a presentation, one of dozens, created for…

Cell danger response, allodynia, and central sensitivity pain syndrome explained.
Fibromyalgia is a complex, chronic pain condition, characterized…

Fibromyalgia Q&A Replay. Your questions answered.
Did you miss last Thursday’s Fibromyalgia Live Q&A presentation?

(Video replay) Fibromyalgia Interview with Evan Hirsh M.D.

Fibro Interview with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum author of "From Fatigued to Fantastic"
Has traditional medicine given up on fibromyalgia?