
Fibromyalgia-What You Should Know About Antidepressants
(updated June 2021)
It often takes years and numerous doctor…

A Video Message For Fibro Non Believers
May 11th is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day! Continue to check your…

Fertile Soil Yields Best Results For Fibromyalgia
(updated July 2024)
Several years ago, my family and I moved…

Does the Weather Affect Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
(updated Dec. 2020)
Fibromyalgia patients often report that…

10 Steps to Optimal Adrenal Health
In this Special Report Dr. Rodger Murphree Shares how to Dramatically…

Can’t Sleep a Wink? Here’s What to Do!
Wait until you are sleepy before going to bed. If you’re not…

I have so many things to be thankful for....
I live in a free country. I really enjoy my life's work, I get…

Antacids Might be Making Your Heartburn Worse
Are antacids the answer to your reflux or GERD?

Yucky Yeast Overgrowth? Here’s what to do about it!
The internet has a plethora of health-related websites and blogs…

What you don’t know *CAN* hurt you.
Have you been ignoring these common symptoms of undiagnosed food…