Avoid This If You Have Fibromyalgia
The Health Dangers of NutraSweet-Fibromyalgia and Aspartame
Aspartame can be found in most diet sodas and in other artificially sweetened food products. Commonly known as NutraSweet or Equal, it is broken down by the body into methanol and formaldehyde.
Toxic levels of methanol are linked to systemic lupus and now Alzheimer’s disease.
Methanol toxicity can cause depression, brain fog, mood changes, insomnia, seizures, and similar symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. As for formaldehyde, it is grouped into the same class of drugs as cyanide and arsenic.
When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in the product is turned into formaldehyde and then into formic acid. Formic acid is the poison contained in the sting of a fire ant.
There are over 92 documented symptoms from the use of aspartame.
Yes I found out about that Aspertame 15 yrs ago…. While dieting I started having the worst headaches you can imagine and severe stomach pains and could not figure out why….long story short, by process of elimination, I figured it was coming from the Aspertame in the Crystal light I was adding to my water for taste… I don’t know the long term effects but I’m grateful I caught it early and was able to stop it in it’s tracks…my symptoms dissipated almost immediately thank goodness.. it’s great that you’ve put this article up for everyone Dr. Murphree…you can save potentially a whole lot of people from severe sickness!!! 😉👌.