I Just Want To Play With My Kids

Stephanie A. had been battling fibromyalgia for over 15 years when she first started working with me.

Here is what she shared with me on her health history questionnaire:

Chief Complaint Number One –

“Chronic pain, stiff aching, stabbing pains. Declining adult activities due to inability to move around. Don’t want to get dressed. Takes forever to complete anything due to fatigue. Must push through the day. Hands, feet ache, tingle all over. I want to have a normal relationship with my children and husband. I am tired of just getting by. They need me and I am not able to give them the attention they deserve. I love my family, but WE have been suffering for years and it is a daily struggle for me. I want to play with my kids while they are young. I am only 43 years old and feel I should not be feeling this way…for so many years. It has gotten to the point I am tired of all the meds that make me be in a fog, And I am tired of going to doctor after doctor leaving with more meds. I do not want to a Band-Aid any more. I want to be in control of my body. NOT the drugs, anymore. I am slowly dissolving as a person. … I AM SO READY TO FEEL BETTER.”

Stephanie had problems with insomnia/poor sleep, chronic pain, extreme fatigue (couldn’t play with children and found it hard to even get out of bed), sever mood swings, fibro fog, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (hard to breathe), anxiety, depression, migraines, ADHD, OCD, high blood pressure, weight gain.

Simply put, Stephanie was miserable. She was sick and tired of being sick and tired. She had been to numerous doctors and was taking 12 different drugs when we first started working together.

I’m happy to report that after 5 months working with me as her health coach/doctor, Stephanie is doing great. You can hear her story by clicking the link below.

Life is to short to miss out on playing with your kids or spending time with spouse. Fibromyalgia and poor health can suck the LIFE out of you, before you know it, life isn’t about living and enjoying God’s wondrous gifts – time with family, friends, and active lifestyle, finding and being lost in your passion.

Don’t settle for life of pain and fatigue, don’t “just get by” be proactive and get your life back.

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired don’t let another day, week, month or year go by with you being miserable.


I’ve helped thousands feel good again.

Are you next?

Call today 205-879-2383 and set up a phone or in clinic consultation. Or click on the link below to learn more about in clinic or phone consults.



Here’s Stephanie’s story, which she shared with me, and my listeners from a recent Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia Teleconference:


Join Us For Tonight’s Teleconference – Register Now at: www.EndFibroNow.com

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