Fibromyalgia is Real – A Video for Nonbelievers

fibro butterflyMay 12th is National Fibromyalgia Day.

Please Join Me For A Special Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia Teleconference

It has been 25 years since the American College of Rheumatology first proposed the criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia. Since then fibromyalgia has been recognized and accepted as a legitimate illness by the American Medical Association, FDA, insurances companies, social security, and of course the drug industry.

Despite the fact that fibromyalgia is recognized by all major health organizations throughout the world, there are still those who doubt it is a real disease. Family members, spouses, co workers, friends and even some doctors dismiss fibromyalgia as nothing more than a quest for attention. Those with fibromyalgia are often told they are hypochondriacs, lazy or just depressed. “How can you feel so bad? You look fine to me.”

For those doubting doctors, family members, friends and co workers-please understand this fibromyalgia is REAL! It is a REAL illness. I’ve specialized in treating fibromyalgia patients for almost two decades and I can tell you from experience, fibromyalgia is real.

Those with fibromyalgia aren’t pill seekers, looking for extra attention, lazy, or simply “just depressed” they are sick and they want to feel good again.

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16 replies
  1. Kim carter
    Kim carter says:

    I feel like I am at my wits end. Fibromyalgia for me is like being on a rollercoaster ride that won’t stop! I so tired of taking medications that don’t seem to help much. I need help.

  2. Sharon Huling
    Sharon Huling says:

    I feel like this dz is sucking the life from me. All I am offered is narcotics. Do you see patients in your office? I have other health issue & would feel more comfortable being seen in person for my first visit.
    I understand that services are not covered by insurance, that is fine. May I schedule a new patient via email?
    Thank you.
    Sharon Huling

  3. Cheryl AFIFI
    Cheryl AFIFI says:

    Question : I’m not OFFICIALLY diagnosed but because of a wreck that left me in a body. As x6 months 11 years ago and an adrenal tumor discovered in the last few years, could these be the sources? I have all the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Even had a touch of Raynauds a year ago. Left shoulder and hips are achy always. Need help. Yet, I love love love my doctor. She touched around that I had some fibro issues but need never wrote it in my chart yet. What can I do next? Please help me..#nursewithoutaclue

  4. megan
    megan says:

    I am happy a friend posted this to my wall. Too many Dr’s and even specialist have dismissed my “syndrome” like I make all of the appointments for fun. Years of my life have been lived in pain because no one wants to believe I can really feel all of these things. It’s sad. I hate to think of all the people out there just like me. I have given up at numerous points and tried to self medicate and fix myself. I’m on pills that do nothing but add to my already failing system. Just wish we were more heard and not scared. Hard to have confidence in someone you know doesn’t believe you. I hope eventually this is looked at as a real disease and everyone gets a shot at living as pain free as possible.


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