Lora Beats Fibromyalgia
updated March 2022
I strongly encourage you to listen to the entire audio, it is filled with health restoring gems for boosting energy and reducing pain, and answers a lot questions on my philosophy, based on 20 years of successfully treating fibromyalgia, what really works.
You don’t have to “learn to live with it!”
Lora Shares –
“I was on a lot of meds that don’t help and I really want to stop taking them, but the docs insist I keep taking them…at least 10-11 different medications- Gabapentin, Ambien, Flexeril, Loarazepam and many others. I can’t sleep, I have extreme fatigue, numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, arms, shoulders, the top and back of my neck to my elbow, extreme pain, weakness in my legs, severe arm pain, a lot of chest pain. It was 1999 when it actually started. It began to where I just couldn’t function, couldn’t walk. It got way worse probably since 2004, it got to where I wasn’t able to hold a job down. In 2006, I got fired at my job of 12 years. I was very upset about that but I just wasn’t able to continue everyday life, to work and do the things that I used to do prior.
Now I take nothing, no drugs at all and I’m just happy I’ve got my life back. I no longer take a nap during the day. It’s very, very seldom at all that I feel tired. I have a lot of energy. Before I had the total fibro fog where I couldn’t remember one day or one time from the next, of what I was told or even heard around. Now I have clear thinking and it’s just wonderful. It’s really wonderful. I’m able to do a lot more things with my life, I actually wake up and I’m happy. It’s worth getting out of bed for. I’d just like to encourage whoever out there that they’ve been told that they have fibromyalgia and they think that’s what’s wrong with them, I encourage them to get in contact with you. Get your book and get all the information and get to feeling good again, because it’s really amazing.” most of the time I would get up, take my regimen of medications, try to eat some breakfast if I was able … when my feet hit the floor, my pain started even worse and then I’d have to go back to bed. I struggled to where I was at the point where I couldn’t even ride in the car. I couldn’t go nowhere or anything, I was in so much pain. I didn’t want to talk to people, I didn’t socialize on the phone. I just didn’t want no part of anyone or anything.”
Lora From West Virginia Working With Dr. Murphree Personally Beats Fibromyalgia
Lora: Thank you for having me.
Dr. M: You’re so welcome. I don’t know if you heard the beginning, but I shared a little bit about when we first started working together, you were really in bad shape. Is it ok if I read a little bit from what you shared with me in the beginning when we first started? I hope you don’t mind.
Lora: Sure.
Dr. M: In my new patient questionnaire, I have on here briefly describe your health problems and you said in 1999, you had an auto accident, you had a bad whiplash and things went out of control. You said you worked 2 full-time jobs then and you began to have pain so bad, that you stopped one job and you went to one full-time job. Then the pain got worse and you got to where you could only work 3 days a week. I guess that put you down for a number of years and finally, you got fired for missing so much work because you were so sick. You put on here I’m on a lot of meds that don’t help and I really want to stop taking them, but the docs insist I keep taking them. I really know they’re causing most, if not all the problems … at least 10-11 different medications. I can’t sleep, I have extreme fatigue, numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, arms, shoulders, the top and back of my neck to my elbow, extreme pain, weakness in my legs, severe arm pain, a lot of chest pain … you went on to say that you really hoped that I’ve got some answers for you. You were in bed quite a bit of the time when we talked. You were in bed I think several hours a day …
Lora: Yeah, most of the day. I didn’t sleep well at night. I was up for maybe 5-10 minutes and then right back to bed.
Dr. M: As you mentioned, you were on a lot of different drugs. I’ve got a whole list here … Gabapentin, Ambien, Flexeril, Loarazepam and many others. We found that many of those drugs were actually making you worse.
Lora: Exactly. Now I take nothing, no drugs at all and I’m just happy I’ve got my life back. I’m able to do a lot more things with my life, I actually wake up and I’m happy. It’s worth getting out of bed for.
Dr. M: Fantastic. We started working together about 7-8 months ago. Prior to us working together, share with me a little bit what was your day like?
Lora: Like I said, most of the time I would get up, take my regimen of medications, try to eat some breakfast if I was able … when my feet hit the floor, my pain started even worse and then I’d have to go back to bed. I struggled to where I was at the point where I couldn’t even ride in the car. I couldn’t go nowhere or anything, I was in so much pain. I didn’t want to talk to people, I didn’t socialize on the phone. I just didn’t want no part of anyone or anything.
Dr. M: How many years had that been going on when you were in that type of shape?
Lora: It was 1999 when it actually started. It began to where I just couldn’t function, couldn’t walk. It got way worse probably since 2004, it got to where I wasn’t able to hold a job down. In 2006, I got fired at my job of 12 years. I was very upset about that but I just wasn’t able to continue everyday life, to work and do the things that I used to do prior.
Dr. M: Tell me about your poor sleep. Your sleep was terrible, tell me about that when we first started.
Lora: It began to where I dreamed and stuff at night, it got to where I just could not shut down at night. I could not make my mind shut down to where I could go to sleep. They gave me a drug called Ambien, it helped me fall asleep but then at times I’d wake up in the middle of the night. Then they proceeded to give me Ambien CR, which kept me asleep through the night and I woke up rested. I thought because I felt rested, I was really rested. As I proceeded with it, I had to have it to go to sleep because I couldn’t sleep without it.
Dr. M: Tell me about your pain. Your pain was all over pain, right?
Lora: Yes, my pain was all over. At times, I couldn’t tell if it was in my muscles or it felt like it was directly down to the bone. It was just excruciating pain and they would give me some muscle relaxers, they would give me a couple of shots and say go home and stay in bed. Do not get up, do nothing for at least 3 days … complete rest and you’ll feel better. I would feel a little bit better but then I’d have to go right back to bed, because if I moved around too much the pain even got worse and worse.
Dr. M: They kept telling you that everything was fine with your thyroid, but you had all the symptoms of low thyroid when we first started working together. You had problems with chronic sinus infections, your immune system was compromised, you had no energy and you had some problems with gaining weight. When we did the testing, we found some different things. For a short period of time, we had you on over the counter thyroid.
Lora: Yeah, what they gave me made it worse. The sweating at night and everything proceeded going on with that. The supplements that you had helped me with really helped me a lot … it tremendously helped me a lot. I could tell a difference right away in some of the symptoms that I was having. Some of the symptoms began to diminish once I started the supplements that you had helped me with. I was real painful of those symptoms because some of those symptoms were keeping me up all night.
Dr. M: Absolutely. Tell me about your sleep now. Your sleep is good now, right?
Lora: Yes, my sleep is really good. I have on my cell phone on a little bit of a schedule. It’s not always exact but I try to go to bed the same time every night, and I try to get up at the same time. I no longer take a nap during the day. It’s very, very seldom at all that I feel tired. I have a lot of energy.
Dr. M: That’s quite a turnaround from where you were, from no energy to where you are now … Fantastic.
Lora: Yes, very much.
Dr. M: Tell me what was it like working with me. When we started working by phone, what was that –process like? What did you think about working with me by phone?
Lora: It was a little strange at first. I did a lot of research and I had seen you on the social media page. Then I started looking into your testimonials and your information, and then I decided to get your book. When I got your book, I could not put it down. I also have some friends that I’ve introduced your book to and they tell me that you just can’t put you down. Your information is very, very adamant about helping you, the cause of the symptoms and the medicines … the information is really, really helpful and makes you understand a lot of things that are going on which I never did have. What each thing did and what it depleted your body of, I was just amazed with that information. You and your staff, I have never had any problems getting a hold of you or talking to you or anything. My questions are answered. If I have something that I feel silly when I ask you, and nobody hesitated in answering none of my questions. You all just made me feel very comfortable and like part of your own family. That really means a lot. When you go to a doctor and you see the look on their face when you walk in, it’s like ‘her again …’ I never ever felt that once with you all.
Dr. M: That’s fantastic. How does it feel to be off all those medications? You’re off 8 medications now or something?
Lora: On occasion, it was at least 12 medications around the clock and sometimes 15 different ones, depending on the symptoms. It feels great. I’ve only been to the doctor twice in 8 months and that was just for a common cold. I don’t want to go back to the doctor, I don’t need to go back to the doctor actually now. It’s kind of a void in my life because I was so used to going to the doctor, sometimes 2-3 times a week to try to get help. It’s amazing that I don’t have to spend that time in the doctor’s office now, I can actually do something worthwhile.
Dr. M: Tell me about losing the weight. You lost some weight and you felt really good doing that.
Lora: Yeah, 25 pounds and I felt good as I was doing it. I continue to keep doing it. I have my highs and lows some day but not too often. I know that if I have a bad day, I backtrack and I know now that I’m thinking clearly, I know what I’ve done so I don’t do it again. It’s nice to have that information. Before I had the total fibro fog where I couldn’t remember one day or one time from the next, of what I was told or even heard around. Now I have clear thinking and it’s just wonderful. It’s really wonderful.
Dr. M: I always use these words ‘work hard’ but you did. We had some challenges in the beginning like a lot of my patients. There were things you couldn’t take or weren’t working, you had some reactions but you hung in there. We figured out what supplements you needed to be on from the testing. We just had to rework that and once we did that, we got you sleeping and it just all came together. As you did the diet, you got to where you had more and more energy, you felt better and better and you’ve maintained that. I’m real proud of you.
Lora: I thank each and every one of you that has helped me and been there for me. I’m still going to be a part of your family because that’s in my plans for the rest of my life. I’m very thankful for everything you all have done for me.
Dr. M: I appreciate you saying that. What would you like to share in your closing thoughts about your journey of working with me and my staff … anything you’d like to share?
Lora: I’d just like to encourage whoever out there that they’ve been told that they have fibromyalgia and they think that’s what’s wrong with them, I encourage them to get in contact with you. Get your book and get all the information and get to feeling good again, because it’s really amazing.
Dr. M: Thanks for sharing. I rally appreciate you coming on the call and like all my patients, once you’re a patient you’re always part of my family. We always look forward to hearing good news from you … thanks for joining me tonight, I really appreciate it.
Lora: I thank you all for having me and again, good luck to everyone out there. I do give words of encouragement, call Dr Murphree and get right on the plane as soon as you can.
Dr. M: Thanks, have a good night.
Lora: You too.
Dr. M: I want to thank Lora for coming on the call and sharing her story. As you heard, she really was not doing well when we first started working together. She was in bed quite a bit of the time because she was so uncomfortable, so miserable. Her doctors were recommending more and more drugs. It wasn’t that she needed more drugs, she really needed somebody to figure out where she was broken down through the right testing, and then work with her one on one to get her on the right protocol, the right diet and everything that we needed to do to help her to feel good again as quick as possible.
I was able to coach her on what to do and how to do it, so that she could then be in a position to start weaning off her medications. She was on as you heard, sometimes 15 different drugs in a given day and now she’s not taking anything. She didn’t do that overnight, we did that over an 8 month period. It took some time to do that but she doesn’t miss any of those drugs. That’s very common, my patients are usually able to wean off or wean way down on all their drugs while working with me.
A lot of my patients find that they come off their medications and they find that they don’t need them; they actually feel better not having the medications. One of the things that she had a challenge with was her mental clarity, which we call fibro fog. Part of that is because of the medications she was taking, the Ambien being probably the biggest one and the Gabapentin. She wasn’t sleeping, she was very run down and she was taking medications that were also contributing to her poor mental clarity.
Getting deep restoring sleep, that’s the first thing that you’ve got to do. You’ve got to reestablish deep, restorative sleep on a consistent basis. If you don’t do that, you’re never going to feel good again and you’re never going to stand a chance of getting healthy and being healthy. Unless you’re getting good deep, restorative sleep each night preferably without medications … if you’re having a lot of medications, you run the risk of creating more problems. The potential side effects of Ambien are the mirror image of fibromyalgia. It can cause diffuse achy muscle pain, fibro fog, anxiety, depression, it can interfere with normal bowel movements, it can do all sorts of things that if you look at the side effects, you would think that’s exactly what I have in fibromyalgia.
I’m not telling anybody to stop Ambien, but that’s one of the first things that I do with my patients, get them sleeping first with natural supplements, then help them wean off any sleep meds they can do with out.. I try and figure out what I need to do to help get them sleeping through the night, and after that I see how I can get them off their potential medications because no one has an Ambien deficiency.
The only way really long term to get your life back is you’ve got to get healthy, and drugs don’t make you healthy. Drugs can be helpful and sometimes they’re the only option, that’s just the way it is. Sometimes they’re lifesaving and we need them, but in fibromyalgia there are so many symptoms and you can’t take a drug to cover up every symptom. I wrote in my recent blog, you can’t drug your way out of fibromyalgia. You’ve got to find a doctor to work with who will help you get healthy. That sounds simplistic, but part of that is you’ve got to find out where you’re broken down and that’s where the special testing, that I do, comes in. The testing allows me to find and fix the underlying causes of the symptoms.
These patients and hundreds of others who’ve worked personally with me have in fact beaten their fibromyalgia. You can read or listen to their stories by clicking the link below:
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!
I understand. I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up a new patient consult at http://www.yourfibrodoctor.com or use the protocols in my book. If have any questions please call the clinic 205-879-2383