Fibromyalgia and Pain
Prescriptions for painkillers in the United States have nearly tripled in the past two decades and fatal overdoses have reached epidemic levels, exceeding those from heroin and cocaine combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
I understand that years of unrelenting pain can cause even the most stoic patient to look for any relief, no matter the risk, pain meds, at least long term, only lead to more problems.
Now before I get a flood of email from patients defending their pain pills, let me go on record as I have before – I’m not anti-drug and I’m not totally against pain meds. They can be a welcomed relief, a blessing for those in chronic pain. However, pain meds weren’t ever meant to be used long term. What is tragic is that so many are being put on these drugs, knowing that the sooner one starts on these meds, the more and stronger, they will most likely need in the in the future.
Surely we should be looking at the underlying issues that are contributing to chronic fibro pain. For most, NOT ALL, the instigator is a condition known as allodynia, or low pain threshold. When this occurs (see in depth explanation in past blogs and in my Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia book), pain is magnified, no matter the cause.
Failed back surgery, post surgical pain, neuropathy, aggressive autoimmune diseases, end stage cancers, the scars and after affects of trauma, and other causes of chronic pain all warrant a look at pain med therapy. And even fibromyalgia at times will only respond to pain meds.
The problem with these drugs is that patients develop a tolerance for them over time and eventually they must more and more and stronger and stronger meds. I realize this isn’t the case for everyone, but it is true for the majority of patients who go down this road. The road can be long and treacherous as these drugs take their toll on a person’s mental and physical health.
The scary thing about these meds is that more and more are being prescribed each year, over 92 million prescriptions last year alone.
My fear which has come true, is that more and more fibro patient, who have failed to respond to the mostly worthless “fibro drugs,” are being prescribed pain meds too soon and too often, by traditional doctors who treat symptoms, not causes.
There are, no doubt, an army of drug reps calling on doctors with samples and trinkets-pads, pens, coffee cups, free dinners, and trips, all to promote the SAFETY and effectiveness of long-term pain meds.
In mainstream doctors defense, they want their fibro patient’s pain to better and the only thing they know to do is recommend pain meds. This is especially true after realizing the hype about other so called “fibro drugs” is fools gold, they don’t work.
Pain is a symptom. In the case of fibromyalgia the cause can be usually traced to allodynia or a low pain threshold brought on by poor sleep, low serotonin and other stress coping chemicals. The only way to reverse the symptoms of fibromyalgia is to treat the cause-poor health. Getting healthy from the inside out, finding the causes and then correcting the cause(s), is the only way to beat fibro.
If caught early enough, fibro can be reversed and without life robbing drugs.
Pain medication is certainly one option for managing pain, one used by a growing list of doctors and their fibro patients, but often leads to more symptoms and drugs.
For a full and thorough explanation of what you can do to lessen your pain, raising your serotonin levels with 5htp, pain busting SAMe, deep restorative sleep, leaky gut, food allergies and pain, and other pain correcting therapies, please read my book, Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
I realize that the information below may seen simplistic to those on heavy doses of pain meds and or who are suffering with life draining pain on a daily basis. But, sometimes the simplest things can make a difference.
I’m on a mission to dispel this myth. It’s not about “learning to live with it.” It is about overcoming it. If you’ve not given up, and I hope you’ve not, then my book Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome will be the best small investment in your health you’ve ever made.
I will continue to share patient success stories, how too videos and information, and poke holes in the idea that drugs and “learning to live with it” are the only choice you have.
There is a better way. These patients and thousands more overcame fibro, got their life back and feel good again. If this appeals to you then I encourage to read and apply the protocols in my book or set up a phone or in clinic consult by going to or calling the clinic.
These patients and hundreds of others who’ve worked personally with me have in fact beaten their fibromyalgia. You can read or listen to their stories by clicking the link below:
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Let me first say, I absolutely agree with several points here. As someone with Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis and chronic migraines I am comfortable agreeing with the statement pain meds are prescribed too soon. I agree that underlying causes are not looked at. Ive run support groups for those with Fibro and other chronic illnesses for years. It is a fact those suffering the most are on the most meds and that isn’t because they are the sickest (meds and side effects aside) it is because something has been missed or isn’t being treated. Yes, pain is a symptom that stops lives dead in their tracks however simply getting pain meds is like putting a bandaid on a stab wound. However, the fact remains countless sufferers of Fibro simply can’t find a doctor willing to go that extra mile. Its one hurdle after another. Being bounced between neuro and rhuemy then if you are sent to pain management you are screwed. The war on drugs and law changes concerning opiates have in my opinion set back Fibro patients getting the care they need far more than the disbelievers of fibro. Once you go to pain management they stop looking for causes of pain and simply treat the pain symptom itself. This is catastrophic for so many. At least some of these patients still get pain meds period though. Giving them the ability to seek out answers. For many that isn’t the case though. Doctors afraid of getting in trouble are telling patients they can’t Rx meds anymore for pain. Countless have been cut off cold turkey and I won’t even get started on how horrible that is. The suffering I see and have lived through is wrong. No reason for it. Sadly no one is accountable, we suffer and just have to live with it. Though I agree that pain meds are given too soon and true culprits never discovered or treated. I do NOT believe in cutting patients off from meds that some have been on for ten plus years and then leaving them to fend for themselves. Still not having doctors willing to truly treat them, not having access to pain meds, and worse dealing with this while they go through withdrawals. Jobs are being lost, children sent to live with family, lives are being destroyed and it is wrong. Yes, you’ve gotten letters defending pain meds from patients. Of course you have. The medical community has let us down and the only lifeline extended to most are pain meds. Until the medical community has a better answer than worthless fibro drugs, pawning us off on other specialties, and making us feel like addicts in response to our pleas for help, taking away pain meds should not be the standard. Period. You can’t take away a treatment settled for all these years without replacing it. I speak of the medical community as a whole, I realize you have a different standard. However countless don’t even know you exist.
I desperately tried to get my doctors to look for the cause of my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue diagnosis. I was always told that there was no way to know. It started when I gave birth and had a staph infection from the delivery. Now I have many issues, can no longer work and have no insurance. Only my GP will still treat me and because I am private pay doesn’t want to even do blood test. I am in Clanton, Alabama and would love to be able to find answers.
I’d love to help. Please call the clinic 205-879-2383 or go here
I’d love to help please call the clinic 205-879-2383 or visit to learn more about setting up a new patient consult.
I don’t understand how the CDC can force Pain Management to stop giving their patients their pain meds your PCP forces u to go to pain management and then knowing you need them to get ny everyday is not right they are losing a lot of patients because of this they r specialist who r suppose to help u I’ve been on pain meds for 14 years following failed back surgery and fibro and other pain conditions and I was told I would need them for the rest of my life Dr’s know who needs them for their pain to even get out of bed I have no quality of life due to chronic pain depression fibro and,several other conditions it’s not right to punish the people who need them for the people that abuse them
I agree for those who truly need pain meds it is unfair to with hold them. The problem is they were and are given out like candy for years, for any and all sorts of real and fake complaints. Now, doctors are realizing the dangers and limitations of drugs for real and lasting relief. And FDA and others are now coming down hard on pill mills due to abuse, and the growing concern about overdoses. Unfortunately those who really need pain meds are lumped in with ALL others who may or may not need pain meds.
I agree.