Marilyn, I’m sorry to here about your struggle. WHO ON EARTH LIKES TO BE DEPRESSED. Of course you don’t. Please know you are not alone. We have helped many people feel good, and start living life again! Please learn more about my programs, and if you are interested, we have a brief consult where you can speak with one of our team members, Juno or Cheryl, FOR FREE, before paying to consult with me directly. They will help answer questions and see if our program is a good fit for you! you can fil out our health questionnaire by visiting, #wellwishes #murphreemethodovercomers #fibrowarriors
My doc asked if I like being depressed? I stated I don’t like taking meds that don’t work and I don’t need side effect when I have too many effects.
Marilyn, I’m sorry to here about your struggle. WHO ON EARTH LIKES TO BE DEPRESSED. Of course you don’t. Please know you are not alone. We have helped many people feel good, and start living life again! Please learn more about my programs, and if you are interested, we have a brief consult where you can speak with one of our team members, Juno or Cheryl, FOR FREE, before paying to consult with me directly. They will help answer questions and see if our program is a good fit for you! you can fil out our health questionnaire by visiting, #wellwishes #murphreemethodovercomers #fibrowarriors