The Importance of Magnesium

Do you have Headaches, Constipation, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Muscle Aches or Tightness, Restless Leg Syndrome, Leg Cramps, Low Moods, and/or MVP? If so, you may be deficient in magnesium.

Magnesium is a natural sedative that relaxes muscles, and the heart is, of course, mostly muscle. The smooth muscle contained in the blood vessel lining is also dependent on magnesium. Magnesium acts like a beta-blocker (without the side effects) by inhibiting stimulatory hormones including norepinephrine and epinephrine (hormones that increase heart rate). Fortunately, magnesium doesn’t cause fatigue or the other symptoms associated with prescription beta-blockers.

The more magnesium found within a muscle cell, the more relaxed the muscle becomes. And a relaxed heart is a happy heart.

Studies show that those with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) are deficient in magnesium. Others show that magnesium reduces the symptoms of MVP, including palpitations, chest pain, and fatigue.

Dozens of research papers have been written on how a magnesium deficiency can trigger arterial spasms, as well as muscle spasms. These spasms may be felt as chest pain, constipation, restless leg syndrome or leg cramps, headaches, eye twitching, or TIAs (transient ischemic attacks). The RDA for magnesium is 400mg a day. The estimated intake in the United States is 300mg a day, even less for those with fibromyalgia.

The more stress a person is under, the more magnesium they need, use up and eventually deplete. But studies show as much as three times this amount, or 900mg, may be needed by the general population, especially by those predisposed to cardiac disease.

Are you taking a good high-dose multivitamin/mineral supplement, yet still have problems with achy muscles or constipation? Is so, just add 150mg of magnesium at dinner. If you don’t have a normal bowel movement (BM) the next day, add another magnesium tablet and keep increasing each day until you have normal BM. If you take too much magnesium, you’ll have a loose BM – simply reduce the dose.

Please visit our online store to see all of the multivitamins with magnesium we offer including these:


These patients and hundreds of others who’ve worked personally with me have in fact beaten their fibromyalgia. You can read or listen to their stories by clicking the link below:


Cynthia's Story

Janna's Story


Robin's Story


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