“I’ve Never Been So Sick…”
FREE Fibromyalgia Training Video included below. Save 15% on all immune boosting supplements-see below.
My Neighbor and Sister Both have COVID-19
The first Coronavirus case in New York was reported on March 1. The number of those infected with COVID-19 and resultant deaths, continues to grow.
These are sobering and scary statistics for sure.
However, like many folks I’ve wondered about my little corner of the world? Is Birmingham Alabama, safe from COVID-19?
We only have 2,000 confirmed cases in the entire state of Alabama. Only a couple of hundred in my county.
Alabama has only tested 15,000 people out of 5 million. How would we know? It’s estimated that at least 10-25% of the population is asymptomatic and a carrier of Covid-19. If this is true then 1.2 million Alabamians could have already been exposed and be carriers of the virus.
So is it safe in your city/neighborhood?
Evidently not since my neighbor and friend recently was hospitalized for COVID-19.
Let me share what epidemiologists and viral experts are sharing-
You can’t let your guard down! Practice stay at home and preventative hygiene.
“I’ve Never Been So Sick”
My neighbor and friend, recently was hospitalized for Corona virus. He is doing fine but it was a rough touch and go, few days in the hospital. The symptoms started with fatigue and achy muscles over a couple days, then he developed a fever, and dry cough. After consulting his doctor he was encouraged to get tested. He did and it confirmed he had the virus.
He was instructed to stay home take Tylenol, stay hydrated and rest. The next day he began struggling to breath. His wife took him to the ER and soon thereafter he was admitted to the hospital. He never had to go into the ICU but did receive oxygen. He made quick progress over the next few days and was able to be dismissed. He said this was sickest he’s ever been. He could barely walk, and struggled to make it out of bed and into the car to get the ER. He had a 104 fever, night sweats, severe fatigue (bedridden for 4 days), all over pain, everything hurt including his brain he said.
My sister and husband, who also live in Alabama (3 hours away) have recently returned from Peru where they were quarantined for 2 weeks. After a treacherous, and exhausting ordeal of back and forth with the State Department and the Peruvian government they were able to make it home this past weekend. My sister now has COVID-19 and is now under a 2-week stay at home quarantine. She and her husband are fine but really sick-Too sick to face time or talk. I’ll get an update later today. For now we are texting.
Please keep in mind that those who are infected are most contagious in the first few days they have the virus. And that most carriers won’t have any symptoms to alert you or them that they are in fact, contagious!
You can track the world spread using this link below.
You can track the U.S. spread including by state at the link below
But regardless of what the stats say about your state or city, you are safest when self-quarantining at home.
My Gift To The Fibromyalgia Community
Beginning Tuesday April 7th 2020 I’ll be donating my time and holding a series of FREE Jump Start Your Health Training sessions. Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing 20 years worth of expert fibromyalgia advice.
Each Tuesday at noon CDT, I’ll be on LIVE on FaceBook –> The Your Fibro Doctor Page
Each week I’ll focus on a new protocol to help you fix the underlying causes of your fibro symptoms. I’ll be sharing step-by-step protocols for how to dramatically depression. I’ll also answer your questions.
These Training Sessions Are Free! Anyone can attend. I’m donating my time and paying my staff to help me make these online training sessions available.
To get the most out these FREE training sessions we will sometimes include a FREE video or report. If you’d like to get these FREE resources then please let us know by sharing your email below.
*Your email will not be spammed or sold, ONLY used for OUR training and news emails.
Here Is The Replay Of The First Tuesday Jump Start Training:
ALSO – Each and every Wednesday I hold a Facebook LIVE Fibromyalgia Q&A. Tuesday training sessions will be just that, training sessions. Wednesdays will be reserved for general health information and Q&A
All Immune Boosting Supplements Are On Sale! –> LEARN MORE | BUY NOW
P.P.P.S. We wanted to make sure you found some instructions on how t make yourself a mask. Here are some good ones we found on USA Today:
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