Fascinating Story. A Must Read For Fibro

I don’t want to spoil it, but MAKE SURE you read the story about Michael S. Tyrrell who reveals stunning discovery in therapeutic music with …

7 Amazing New “Musical Tones” Found To Relieve Stress… Promote Healing… Break Negative Cycles… and Restore Sound Sleep… in Minutes at the bottom of this article. I guarantee you’ll find it VERY interesting! You can read his story at the bottom of this article.

More About Importance of Deep Restorative Sleep

Lack of sleep exacerbates or causes numerous unwanted health symptoms and conditions including-chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, IBS, RLS, anxiety, depression, weight gain, and leads to adrenal fatigue. In past articles I have given recommendations on supplements like 5-HTP, Melatonin, and Delta Sleep. You can learn more about these natural supplements at


These supplements are often game changers for those battling insomnia.

However, there are other important steps to take besides using the right combination of supplements. One of the most important changes to make includes using good sleep hygiene and setting up a sleep schedule for every day of the week, weekend or weekday and stick to it!

To be fair, it’s going to take weeks to months to regulate your system, but the idea is to set a time where you will lie down in bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. 

Step number one is practicing good sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene refers to actions you should take to prepare yourself for getting a good night sleep. But, no matter what supplements or what sleep medications you use, without proper sleep hygiene, your efforts will sooner or later, prove futile.

First thing first: Lights! The invention of electricity and a constantly growing technology industry means that man can stay under lights and be completely stimulated for 24 hours a day. 

Studies published through the National Sleep Foundation and the CDC from all over the country have shown that even as little as a 100-watt light bulb just before bedtime can severely affect your circadian rhythms and compromise your sleep. 

To reduce the sleep sabotaging effects of lights, TV’s, computer, phone, and tablets, try wearing blue blocking glasses.

I like  Swanni’s, it’s what I use, I think they are some of if not the best blue blocking glasses on the market.  Wearing these glasses may seem silly, but they have helped many of my patients and yours truly. I wear them in the evening is watching TV or reading on my Kindle.


The idea is to reduce your exposure to light before bed.  Even just one 100-watt bulb reflects through the eyes and stimulates the brain, telling it to “stay awake.”

Other good sleep hygiene habits include:

  • Avoid daytime naps.  This disrupts nighttime sleeping.  If a nap is absolutely needed, go for early afternoon and only 30-45 minutes. 
  • Wean yourself from stimulants like caffeine, chocolate, nicotine, sugar, and alcohol, especially close to bedtime.  Stimulants negatively affect serotonin levels, creating a sudden rapid burst and then a drain.  Serotonin is responsible for regulating sleep patterns, among other things, so taking yourself off stimulants is imperative for adequate serotonin levels. 
  • Exercise, even walking 20-30 minutes a day (start slow if needed), in the morning or afternoon can help promote good sleep.  It will keep your body strong and your internal chemicals releasing properly. 
  • Don’t eat three to four hours before bedtime. You don’t won’t a full stomache when you head off to bed.
  • Don’t use your bed or room for anything other than sleep or intimacy with your partner.
  • The bedtime routine is one of the most important aspects of proper sleep hygiene because it helps you train your brain to associate these activities with relaxation and sleep.Begin winding down at least an hour, better two hours before bed.
  • You could also take a warm bath with lavender and Epsom salt (magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant) using dim lighting or few candles for light.
  • Now once you get in bed try reading (use your blue light blocking glasses if using tablet), say your prayers, mediate or practice deep breathing for a few minutes.
  • Do your best to turn off any mind chatter, worrying thoughts or concerns. Keep a pad and pen by your bed to write a “to do” and then forget. Before I wind down for bed I makes notes in my journal of what I need to do the next day. If facing some challenge I write it down and action steps to do, then forget it until the next day.
  • Listening to soft relaxing music while you read, pray or meditate can be helpful.

I recently had a patient share how “Musical Tones” had helped her “cure” her insomnia. She uses a product that is promoted as healing music with specific “biblical” influenced tones. I was intrigued and contacted the company that makes this product.

Serendipitously, I was in one of my doctor Master Mind forums where the subject of insomnia came up. One of the doctors, a sleep specialist, shared how he was recommending Musical Tone therapy. It turns out he recommends Michael’s Music to all his patients.

I can’t wait to try it and for my order to arrive!

I’m including a link here to read more about this incredible story. I’ve met Michael through email and we are planning a podcast together. Incredible story!!!!!!

I think you’ll find his story fascinating as well, check it out, learn more here!

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