Low Thyroid Common in Fibromyalgia

Do you battle low energy, brain fog, anxiety, depression, tingling…

Does the Weather Affect Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

(updated Dec. 2020) Fibromyalgia patients often report that…

Gluten and it’s Link to Your Thyroid

I find that 40-50% of my fibromyalga and CFS patients are suffering…

My doctor said my thyroid was normal, but….

Updated April 2019 It is not unusual for patients to tell…


Do you battle low energy, brain fog, anxiety, depression, tingling…

Why Thyroid Blood Tests Aren’t Always Accurate.

Updated January 2022 Blood tests for thyroid function measure…
thyroid gland, fibro and low thyroid article by Dr. Rodger Murphree

Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid

Join Us For a FREE Fibromyalgia Teleconference Every ! 4pm PST,…

Fibromyalgia and Thyroid Dysfunction. It's All Connected.

For 90% of Americans, hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s…

She Told Everyone I Got Her Pregnant

Well let me tell you, it was without a doubt, one of the most…

What Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid

Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know…
Falling Through The Cracks Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid

Falling Through The Cracks

Excerpt taken from my new 5th edition book, “Treating and Beating…
bread, avoiding glutens on food allergen test, phase 1

Gluten sensitivity, Low Thyroid, and Fibromyalgia

I find that 40-50% of my fibromyalga and CFS patients are suffering…

Falling Through The Cracks

Excerpt taken from my new 5th edition book, “Treating and Beating…

Falling Through The Cracks - Fibromyalgia And Low Thyroid

Excerpt taken from my new 5th edition book, “Treating and Beating…