This Week’s Recording and Big Announcement!

I had a great time, sharing some important clinical tips that I’ve learned over the last 18 years specializing in fibro.


What your doctor won’t tell you:

They won’t tell you about potentially dangerous drugs, adrenal fatigue, elevated calcium levels and what this may mean, low ferritin levels and what it means, thyroid antibodies, DHEA, and more, more much.


You can listen yourself, free of charge but visiting:



Phone Consults Available

If your sick and tired of being sick and tired call the clinic and set up a $79 phone or in clinic consult.

BIG Announcement!

You are invited to my Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia Webinar


April 28 at 2pm-3:30pm CST


The webinar is free but you need to register, supply your email, to reserve your spot and to receive the handouts that go with this presentation.


Please know the webinar is limited to 150 people and will fill up fast.


Find out how to feel good again. I’ll be sharing my protocols that I’ve used for the last 18 years to help thousands of fibro patients feel good again.


The webinar will last one and half-hours with a question and answered session-get your questions answered. Those you register will get handouts, notes and other helpful information.


I’ll be sharing latest health breakthrough information on how to:

  • Consistently get a good night’s sleep
  • Reduce your chronic pain without prescription meds
  • Increase your energy by 50% or more with 2-4 weeks
  • Increase your mental clarity
  • Correct IBS within weeks of starting my IBS protocolAnd much more!


Again the webinar is FREE. You simply need to reserve your spot by supplying your email address. You’ll receive the call-in information, as well as how to log into the webinar (to see the slides) with your computer.


Yes I will be recording this program but there will be a charge of $79 for the recording.


The webinar is limited to 150. I announced this on week’s call and have already filled half the reserved spots so don’t delay for long.


So make sure you register today at

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