Hyperparathyroidism is Dangerous and Should Not be Missed

Hyperparathyroidism occurs when one of the parathyroids develops a tumor which makes too much parathyroid hormone leading to high blood calcium levels and unwanted health issues. Typical symptoms include fatigue, bad memory, kidney stones, and osteoporosis. As the disease progresses IT MAY lead to arteriosclerosis, too much calcium being deposited in the arteries and blood stream, heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.


As parathyroid expert, Dr. Norman says “…make no mistake about it, hyperparathyroidism kills people–it just takes 20 years to do so. We have taken care of tens of thousands of people with primary hyperparathyroidism and we can’t remember seeing a patient who had this disease for more than 25 years. We have only seen a handful who have lived 20 years with a parathyroid tumor. They have all died of heart failure, breast or prostate cancer, kidney failure, stroke or heart attack.”

Elevated blood calcium levels as demonstrated on a lab test, even high normal (above 10 for an adult) shouldn’t be brushed off as “everything is ok” as many lab tests are. If your calcium is high, please make sure your doctor does the follow up tests.

I continue to find elevated or high normal blood calcium levels in many of my fibro and CFS/ME patients, often they had had past labs that showed elevated levels-again simply ignored by their past doctors.

I’ve referred several patients who needed surgery to Dr. Norman clinic in Tampa Florida. Without a doubt he is the best. You don’t want someone poking around in your neck unless they know what they are doing! All my patients have done well post surgically and give the doctors and staff high marks.

James Norman, MD, FACS, FACE, is recognized as one of world’s foremost experts on parathyroid disease. Dr Norman is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and also a Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology (FACE). He is recognized as the inventor of minimally invasive radio-guided parathyroid surgery in the mid 1990s, and is credited with dramatically changing the way parathyroid surgery is performed. Dr Norman has performed over 18,000 mini-parathyroid operations.

You can learn more about Hyperparathyroidism on Dr. Normans site www.parathyroid.com


11 replies
  1. Angela V
    Angela V says:

    I had the minimally invasive parathyroid surgery done by Dr. Norman in Aug. 2010. My calcium levels were never above 10 but my parathyroid hormone was elevated and I had osteoporosis. Since then with only taking calcium, my osteoporosis had improved 11% to only osteopina. Dr. Norman and staff are the best, if you can get to Tampa and you have hyperparathyroidism, please go there.

    • Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team
      Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team says:

      Agreed! I’ve sent several patients there all who had had problems for years but had doctor after stupid doctor ignore the blood work and paperwork clues that further testing was needed … years of waste and health compromised because of lazy doctors!

  2. idamae burgess
    idamae burgess says:

    dear dr i have read this article i have a nodule on my thyroid the hosp i went to to have biopsy is a rural hosp the dr.s donotseen to know an awfully lot about my condition needless to say they couldnt get biopsy saying my nerves and large arteries were wrapped all around it do you konw of good dr in west virginia i donot want these dr,s messing with my throat thank you idamae burgess

  3. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    I have also had the hyperparathyroid gland surgery by Dr. Norman in Aug. of 2006 in Tampa… before it,I had a calcium high level of 12.5 and horrible kidney stone attacks for nearly 8 yrs prior and was told back in 1999 by Kaiser Permanente that they could do invasive thyroid surgery that would leave me a 5″ thick scar across my throat area, 3 mth recovery & on thyroid medication for life….. So thankfully I found Dr. Norman & he took out one of the biggest tumors they said they rarely see ( 3cm) and even snap a polaroid pic of the tumor that they removed after snipping 2 of my glands and give you it to take home and I went home the same night & stopped & had a cheesburger & milkshake on the way….and only need to take Calcium Citrate w/ D and my level has been 10 since….DEFINATELY go to Dr. Norman for this…HE IS THE BEST and YOU DESERVE THE BEST!!!!!

    • Sandra
      Sandra says:

      I forgot to mention…I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a few yrs ago and also have alot of other health issues going on, spinyl stenosis, scoliosis, severe arthritis,pinched nerves, and don’t know if you ever heard of this one, it’s rare….Decrums Disease (lympoma’s)…so I have still alot on my plate…but this Fibro is kickin’ my butt…any suggestions that would help me OVERALL?????

      THANKS, Sandra


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