Adrenal Fatigue: Boost Your Adrenal Function and Feel 10 Years Younger!
The adrenals are a pair of pea-sized glands located atop each kidney. The adrenal gland consists of two sections: The Medulla (the inner portion) and the Cortex (the outer portion). The adrenal glands release certain hormones that allow us to be able to del with immediate and long-term stress. These glands and the hormones they release allow us to be resilient to day-to-day stress.
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Stress, Stress, Stress, and More Stress
Persistent, unrelenting stress will ultimately lead to adrenal “burn-out.” Adrenal “burn-out” and exhaustion render the person defenseless against the continuous chemical, emotional, and physical damage that occurs with chronic stress.
Could you have stress-induced adrenal fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue can be stress-induced, especially if any of the following apply:
– I’ve been under stress for long periods of time.
– I or my spouse works over 50 hours a week.
– I’m overweight; I have a chronic illness; I have a nervous stomach.
– I have been on a low fat diet this year; I do not exercise.
– I exercise more than 14 hours a week.
– I drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day; I drink soda pop daily; I smoke.
– I cannot sleep at night.
– I get < 7 hours of sleep a night.
– I eat sugary foods on a regular basis.
– I’ve had surgery in the past year, or > 1 surgery in the past 2 years.
– I’m a professional or family care-giver.
– I take prescription or over-the-counter medications to “lift me up”.
Between years of poor sleep, unrelenting fatigue, chronic pain, excessive stimulants, poor diet, and relying on a plethora of prescription medications, the adrenal glands, and the hormones they release, have been used up. Once adrenal exhaustion sets in, it’s not long before the body begins to breakdown.
Adrenal exhaustion accelerates the downward spiral towards chronic poor health. Some of the more common symptoms that occur are as follows:
Self Testing
Ragland’s Sign – this is an abnormal drop in systolic blood pressure when a person arises
from lying to a standing position. There should be a rise of 8-10 mm in the systolic number. A drop in systolic blood pressure indicates adrenal fatigue.
Pupil Dilation Exam – To test for this reflex you’ll need a flashlight and a mirror. Face the mirror and shine the light in one eye. If, after 30 seconds, the pupil starts to dilate, adrenal deficiency should be suspected.
The adrenal cortex, when healthy, produces adequate levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). DHEA boosts our energy, sex drive, resistance to stress, self defense mechanisms (immune system), and general well-being. I find DHEA to be notoriously low in the majority of patients I treat for chronic illness. I’ve found most of my patients with adrenal fatigue have low to very low DHEA levels. DHEA is an extremely important hormone. It helps increase immune function, energy and mental acuity.
• DHEA increases our mental abilities, including our memory.
• DHEA increases the effectiveness
of our immune systems.
• DHEA increases stamina and over
all strength, energy, and mood.
• DHEA counters effects of stress.
Correcting Adrenal Fatigue
1. Drink plenty of water. I recommend you drink half your weight in ounces of water each day. If you weight 120lbs, you should consume at least 60 ounces of water a day.
Nothing else counts (cola’s, teas, coffee, etc.) only pure water. You can add a lemon or lime wedge if you want to, but please drink plenty of water.
2. Get plenty of rest! Remember, you won’t get well unless you’re getting a minimum of 8 hours of deep restorative sleep. If possible, periodically sleep late. This allows the adrenal glands an opportunity to rest and regenerate. Mid day naps of 15-20 minutes are also helpful.
3. Reduce your stress! Don’t over do it. Once patients start to feel better, they have a tendency to try to do too much. Don’t try to be the Tasmanian Devil, only to be
wiped out in the next few days. It may take months for your energy reserves to build back up. Pace yourself and enjoy the new found energy.
4. Always eat breakfast and never skip meals. Individuals with low adrenal function are usually not hungry when they wake-up. They instead rely on chemical stimulants (coffee, soda’s, cigarettes, etc.,) to get them going. Your morning cortisol level is at its highest around 8 A.M. The increased cortisol will often cause people to not feel hungry. Eat anyway! A small snack (avoid simple sugars) is all you need until you get hungry, usually a couple of hours later. Then eat another balanced snack to tie you over until lunch. Don’t skip lunch!
5. Use Adrenal cortical extracts. This will help repair and restore normal adrenal function.
• Chronic Headaches
• Nagging Injuries
• Lethargy
• Fatigue
• Joint Pain
•Muscle Pain
•Mental Fatigue
• Depression
• Low Sex Drive
• Chronic Infections
• Cold Hands and Feet
For my patients with adrenal fatigue I recommend taking a good optimal daily allowance
multivitamin and 500mg of adrenal cortex twice a day with food for those with pronounced adrenal fatigue, low immune function, poor stress coping abilities, and/or suffer with anxiety or depression, add 25mg of DHEA.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 24 years ago and chronic fatigue in 2010. In addition I have a pituitary disorder, adult growth hormone deficiency. I have thought for years that I probably have adrenal fatigue but I have never been able to get my endocrinologist to test for it. I am a 59 year old woman, who was Mayor of my community for 16 years but also had to have a full time job as well. I am currently in the process being divorced after 35 years, having to move out of my home after 27 years, am disabled with social security benefits and had to have complicated sinus surgery with the result of chronic sinus infections. How to you get access to adrenal cortisol and DHEA and is it possible to be seen as a patient with Dr. Muphree. Where is his practice located?
My office is located in Mountain Brook, AL You can find all of our contact information here:
Karen just call the office that is what I did.
Yes, you can give our office a call 205-879-2383, and speak with one of our office staff, or leave a voice mail and we will get back in touch with you asap.
I gave my brothet a kidney 21 yrs ago. I also have fibromyalgia. And almost all of the symptoms that were on here. With one kidney I assume I have Adrenal fatigue.
I was diagnosed with Fibro 10 yrs ago and was told that I had Adrenal Fatigue by a Doctor that I saw for several years but he never treated it. Where can I find Adrenal Cortisol & DHEA.
You can find the adrenal jumpstart package that I recommend to my patients
I want to know how to get access to adrenal cortisol and DHEA. I AM diagnosed with fibromyalgia/cfs/ hypothyroidism.
I am 48 yrs old and falling apart quickly. I had neck surgery in 2010. Have another neck disk prob. Also quit my job of 10 yrs, moved to Indpls IN May 17 with my husband of 7 yrs. On june 17th, slipped in tub, been going to chiropractor to heal sciatic nerve problem. IM SOO SENSITIVE TO WEATHER IT IS HORRIBLE!!!! I need to find a job up here, but at moment I am physically NOT ABLE. And soon depression is GONNA SET IN FOR GOOD. IF I DON’T FIND THE RIGHT HELP FOR ME. YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED
Please call the clinic 205-879-2383 they will be glad to answer any questions and help anyway they can. I do phone and in clinic consults.
thank you Dr.Muphree.
i was diagnoised with fibro when I was 29 and of course then no one belived you and treated you like you were a cook,I thank you for all the strides you and others have made in the feild.I was also said to have chrinic fatigue but the more I read the mor ei think this is what I have, Icant eat in morning at all i always feel sick,and i do smoke and use sodas as stimulants. I never have any energy i suffer from migrains and neck pains to.Ive had sevral surgerys one at 7 for my eye and sevral in the last 7 yrs for cervical cancer issues.I have a low immube system im always getting sick.I cant focus for long and i get confused easily and often cant think theni feel stupid when I forget things I use to know,I suffer from vertigo to and I never use to when I wa syoung I rode horses and my bikes and I cant even do thta with out getting sick when I tru to mount up I get rides are a nightmare between the pain and the sickness from riding in them/so Im wondering if this is something I could have.Our doctors here arent the best and the dont keep up with the latest things and dismiss you alot or think your complaing or they get bent out of shape ifyou suggest something they did not think of first i guess ego and all lol.but im very intrested in this I dont usely get on the web for health stuff but i came across it through facebook and like dyou page.But I also just wanted to say thank you for all you do for people and caring.Sorry for my typing I have RA to and my hands are bad ist difficult to type alot.Thanks Mrs.Henderson
im sorry I forgot to tell you i am now 44.if that helps and since i dont eat well im 125 to 130 pds now.
I was told I had Fibromyalgia after being treated by neurologists, and having the electrical tests every two weeks for two years. It took five years to finally tell me what I probably had. I was told I needed a Psychiatrist and everything else over the five years. That was 23 years ago. I am on 17 kinds of medicines mostly pain and muscle relaxers. I now have a large goiter with many nodules. Even with everything I take I am tired all the time and sometimes do not sleep for three days. I average about 2 to 3 hours out of twenty four. Can I still be helped?
Didnt find you soon enough 🙁 Will you be having upcoming teleconfrences anytime soon?
My next free teleconference is tomorrow evening, October 29th, at 7pm CST. Hope that you can join us! You will be able to register for the conference, and receive the call in information here on my blog, or if you are already receiving my fibromyalgia newsletters, you will get your call-in information later this morning.
I donated a kidney to my dear brother. I had undiagnosed fibro at the time. I have so many of the symptoms that are posted.Plus I have had 20 plus surgeries on my stomach,colon,intestine. So I am a mess. I HATE the scripts they give and refuse to take them. So now what?