Fibromyalgia Stress Survey
Updated Sept. 2019
Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a syndrome, commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, and resulting fatigue that accompanies it. Although it affects millions of people in the U.S. and around the world, conventional medicine does not yet recognize it as a distinct syndrome.
The catalyst for adrenal fatigue is acute or chronic stress.
Adrenal fatigue can wreak havoc with your life. In the more serious cases, the activity of the adrenal glands is so diminished that you may have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours each day.
Stress is the catalyst for poor health, including fibromyalgia.
How much Stress Are You Under?
Take the survey below:
1. Death of spouse 100
2. Divorce 73
3. Marital Separation 65
4. Jail / death of close family/friend 63
5. Personal Injury Illness 53
6. Marriage 50
7. Fired from work 47
8. Marital Reconciliation 45
9. Retirement 45
10. Illness of family member 44
11. Pregnancy 40
12. Sexual Difficulties 39
13. Addition of new family member 39
14. Business/financial change 38
15. Change line of work 36
16. Arguing with spouse 35
17. Large mortgage 31
18. Foreclosure of mortgage 30
19. Child leaving home 29
20. Problems with in-laws 29
21. High personal achievement 28
22. Spouse begins or stops work 26
23. Beginning or end of school 26
24. Change in living condition 25
25. Revision of personal habits 24
26. Trouble with boss 23
27. Change in work conditions 20
28. Change in schools 20
29. Change in recreation
or church activities 19
30. Change in social activities 18
31. Small mortgage 17
32. Change in sleeping habits 16
33. Change in # of family reunions 15
34. Change in eating habits 15
35. Vacation 13
36. Christmas 12
37. Minor traffic violation 11
200 points or more in one year’s time, highly increases the risk for adrenal fatigue syndrome.
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Hello I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia. But I’m not sure if that is the case. I am thinking it is possibly thyroid issues. My doctor says the brain to thyroid is “a little overactive” anyhow here’s my story , the short version . So in January bam hit me out of knowhere . I was at the movies and felt as though I was going to pass out. Then from there it was like I could hardly function. Then I started having unexplained weight loss ( now I’m down 24 lbs.) I feel completely sick and tired all the time like something is attacking my brain and body. Well now the last couple months I can’t sleep!! So ya I’m desperate to get my life back. I’ve had to stop working due to this and my life is slowly crumbling . Before I was an active happy productive person . Now I’m ill and feel helpless and hopeless . Please help!! I am determined to get better so please help me help me!! ♡
I’d love to help please call the clinic 205-879-2383. 90% of my practice is phone consults I work with patients throughout N. America. //
I scored 429 Yikes!
My score is 258. I suffer severe migraines, headaches, fibromyalgia which causes major exhaustion.
Iv had fibro 9 yrs this is my worst time,iv all ways worked hard even 3 jobs at one point.Now I can’t do one ! I feel so tierd all the time and headachs please some one help :(((
I’m sorry you’re not doing well. I’d love to help. Please call the clinic 205-879-2383 to learn about phone or in clinic consults.
I got a 352 no wonder I had a seizure a couple weeks ago
Glands!! I have a growth on my pituitary gland, a thyroid goiter, (but thyroid functions are all fine), and I have an adrenal tumor. In addition, fibro. Nothing has been done about any of it………
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way thuogrh.
Love to join in