prescription pills

Fibromyalgia-What You Should Know About Antidepressants

(updated June 2021) It often takes years and numerous doctor…

Fibromyalgia Past And Present

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Steps To Eliminate Fatigue

As you’ve learned from my Treating and Beating Adrenal Fatigue…

Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? You’re Not Alone

The COVID 19 pandemic is not only a danger to our physical health,…

Adrenal Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Adrenal Fatigue is one of the main causes of fibro symptoms including…

Free eBook on Stress Solutions

A colleague of mine has presented this FREE 73 page eBook, Stress…

Can't remember a thing? Fibro Fog Strikes AGAIN!

    These patients and hundreds of…
5 Ways to Health From Within

5 Ways to Heal From Within

updated August 2020   Making time each and every…

I Couldn't Believe It.

There I was again, speaking with a new patient. And once again,…

What’s Your “Why?”

Why do you want to be free of fibromyalgia? Why do you want to…

Could Your Drug Be Your Problem?

Do you know the potential side effects of all your drugs? One…

Doom & Gloom? No Thanks!

I have specialized in treating, writing about, and teaching others…

The Depressing Truth About Antidepressants

It may shock you to know that the FDA approved Prozac based only…

Restorative Sleep Rebuilds your Stress-Coping Savings Account

Let’s briefly review what we know about stress and sleep: …

Life Is A Beach 

Join me Tuesday, August 29th 2017, for ...... HAS YOUR GET UP…