Replay of 9/1/15 Teleconference
Good evening this is Dr Rodger Murphree,, author of Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Thank you for joining me tonight for my weekly Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia teleconference. I look forward to your questions this evening. A little bit about me: I’m a board certified chiropractic physician, a board certified nutritional specialist. I’ve been in private practice for 24 years and for the last 18 years, I have specialized in fibromyalgia.
For a number of years, I owned a very large integrative medical practice on the campus of Brooklyn hospital here in Birmingham, Alabama. In 2003, I sold that practice and I’ve been practicing solo ever since. My book Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now in its fifth edition, and is available in most bookstores,, Barnes& as well as other sites.
For the last 7 years, my practice has evolved to where 95% of my practice is phone consults, and I get to work with patients all over the world.
Each and every week, I host a free call-in program with this access code and the same call-in number you’ve used tonight.
For those of you listening to the replay of this and did not register, I encourage you to register so you can get this access code and number, so you’ll have it in the future. You can do that at
You May Have A Stupid Doctor If ………
Tonight is a special edition of Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia because I’m going to be going over what I consider a little bit tongue and cheek … we’ll be talking about, do you have a stupid doctor. That’s kind of what I fear with a lot of my patients who encounter doctors who don’t really have a clue. It used to be that it was a rarity that patients would encounter doctors that didn’t have a clue but unfortunately, if anything they’re getting a little worse.
Studies show that only about 30% of people who take Lyrica actually benefit. The other 70% don’t tolerate it or it doesn’t do anything. Of the 30% who can take it, about 50% of them actually see an improvement in their symptoms but most people struggle with that medication, as well as Cymbalta and Savella. They’re not really sure if those meds are helping.
What really gets me upset and I’m sure it does for those with fibromyalgia because I hear it all the time, is that patients often encounter doctors who just don’t have a clue about fibromyalgia. Their ignorance is infuriating both to the patient and also to myself. Unless you’ve got fibromyalgia or you’ve been around people who have fibromyalgia as I have for the last 18 years, it’s really hard to understand what they’re going through.
Unfortunately, many doctors don’t believe that fibromyalgia exists – that’s sad but true and we still have that problem. We also have doctors who tell the patient that all they need to do is get more exercise, lose some weight, get a good night’s sleep, maybe improve their sex life, take an antidepressant and that’s going to help them. The problem with that mentality is that first of all, I know from working with my patients for the last 18 years, they would love to get more rest and a good night’s sleep, but they can’t sleep.
That’s the whole challenge with fibromyalgia. It’s one of the biggest hurdles you have to get over. If you don’t improve that, you don’t stand a chance of ever getting your fibromyalgia under control. The deep, restorative sleep is critical for raising your stress coping hormones that allow you to be able to handle stress. They also are important to raise your pain threshold. If you don’t go into deep restorative sleep, you increase your inflammatory chemicals by 40%.
Obviously if you’re not getting deep restorative sleep, the next day you’re going to be tired and fatigued, but you’re also going to have more pain. Because you’re not making deposits into your stress coping savings account, you’re going to find that stress is magnified. When we make deposits into our stress coping savings account, it allows us to be able to have stamina and resistance to stress, by getting deep restorative sleep. The more stress that we’re under, the more we use those deposits to help us deal with the stress. But those with fibromyalgia haven’t slept in years, or if they are sleeping it’s not a very good deep sleep.
If they are getting some sleep, most of the time they’re relying on one or more prescription sleep medications – all of which have been shown to increase the risk of death like smoking a pack of cigarettes. All those medications have potential side effects. Ambien can cause diffuse achy muscle pain, fibro fog, anxiety, depression, poor memory, mental clarity issues, balance issues, in-coordination … all the things that you would associate with fibromyalgia can be caused by Ambien. The same is true with Trazodone, Elavil and many of these other medications. We don’t know if it’s the medication that’s contributing to the symptoms of fibromyalgia, or is it true fibromyalgia.
Instead of trying to cover up the ever growing list of symptoms, poor sleep, chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, RLS, IBS, brain fog, etc. with more and more life draining drugs, it is best to find and fix the causes of fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, poor sleep, low thyroid, hormonal and nutritional deficiencies is the key for reversing fibromyalgia.
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I am 61 years old and have had Fibromyalgia for more than 13 years.
Seems the older I get the worse it gets.
I do have a wonderful Doctor who is doing all he can for me. He is a Rheumatologist but also is a Fibromyalgia Dr. He stays up to date on the new information on Fibromyalgia .
But if there is any New Medicine that has come out in the last 6 months please let me know. I would love to try anything that might help. My legs , arms, and my shoulders are my worst ever.
Thank you so much and maybe one Day they will find a true cure!!!
Luanne Boyter
Covering up symptoms with more and more drugs is a dead end.There is no drug or drugs that will cure fibro. Getting healthy is the way to beat fibromyalgia.