Mayo Clinic’s Answer For Fibromyalgia

I don’t believe you should learn to live with it!   I believe you should learn to overcome it!

Find out how these patients, working with me, got healthy and feel good again.


Jini's Story
I tried so many different things, I was afraid to hope Dr. Murphree was an answer, but I gave it a chance. This was so helpful. I am just so thankful I did this!


Janna's Story
I am doing everything I used to do again. In fact, we have been on vacation in the mountains this month, and I have done everything from hiking to biking and canoeing! My husband and I have commented over and over about how different things are from just a few months ago!


Heather's Story
I can actually do gardening again, for about a 4-5 hour stretch, which has been unheard of for me for years! I feel so good! I can get plenty of hours of sleep in a row now too, and I feel so refreshed in the mornings!

The Mayo Clinics (there are three of them) make up the largest nonprofit medical group practice in the world. They employ more than 3,800 physicians and scientists and specializes in treating difficult cases. Mayo Clinic Rochester MN is routinely ranked one of the top hospitals in the United States. The World News and Report ranked it number for 2014-2015.

Here is a short three and a half minute video explaining what you get for having the “best” doctors examine and perform testing to confirm you have fibromyalgia:

I’ve had numerous patients spend thousands of dollars on traveling to, and getting a work up from, Mayo only to be told they  need to spend another $2500 for their two week program on how to learn to live with fibromyalgia (this of course doesn’t include cost of hotels and food).

The total bill to be told by the “leading” doctors in the world that you need to learn to live with fibromyalgia, can easily top $10,000.

It saddens me to know and share that this is the common, and readily ACCEPTED, recommendation by ninety nine percent of doctors who acknowledge fibromyalgia exists (many still don’t).


These patients and hundreds of others who’ve worked personally with me have in fact beaten their fibromyalgia. You can read or listen to their stories by clicking the link below:


Cynthia's Story

Janna's Story


Robin's Story

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18 replies
  1. MaryAnn Kinser
    MaryAnn Kinser says:

    I’m in extreme pain 90% of the time. I’m looking for help. I need to.know what all is available let for fibro. So far the meds, exercises, diet ,etc ha e not helped me.

    • Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team
      Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team says:

      Please feel free to take advantage of the hours and hours of free lecture videos and articles we have here, there are several things you can try, changes you can make in your daily life that can start to get your body back to health. Everyone doesnt have the same experience in pain or in healing, so keep that in mind and take your time, you are worth it! Join us on Wednesday Nights for our live Q&A sessions on our Facebook page. Well wishes!

  2. Hilda
    Hilda says:

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia since 2013 I don’t know how to go on with my daily activities but I managed to go on about my days.i just am sick and tired of feeling this way there is times when I push my self to get up and go to work.when I come home I feel like a truck has ran me over I hurt so bad that I can’t I ever gonna feel better or what can I do to overcome this pain and ugly feeling.

  3. Lana Weed
    Lana Weed says:

    I suffer with fibro, oa, ra, raynauds with cryoglobulinemia. From the looks of the skin around my fingertips, i believe i have also developed scleroderma. Medicines don’t seem to help much. Trying a keto diet to help with inflammation but it is so difficult to stick to.

  4. Linda
    Linda says:

    I am tired of hearing all these tells. I have peripheral neuropathy along with fibromyalgia, COPD, asthma and IBS. I can barely walk anymore, everyone tells me to lose keep moving. It’s more like dragging.

    • Maria Hood
      Maria Hood says:

      I have the same things. Dr. Rodger Murphree has really helped me. I get up and do now. I even have some days with no pain at all. Look him up and let him help you. He was an answer to my and my husbands prayers.

  5. Christy poe
    Christy poe says:

    I have fibromyalgia I am in constant pain everyday. It has affected my brain I think that it’s crippling me, it has affected my life and so many different ways I have depression extreme I have extreme anxiety. I can’t speak right I stutter. I’m on so many medicines, that is unreal. The medicines that I’m taking or not working not one bit. Thanks for reading. Christy Poe

  6. Wendy Eckert
    Wendy Eckert says:

    If you are a diabetic you get ALL the help in the world. If you suffer from fibromyalgia and spinal pain. Nobody seems to care. If patients were truly being helped. I believe that clinics would work harder to fund money for we the suffering. If insurance won’t cover classes , it’s I’m sorry. That’s it. It also is apparent that we chronic pain people are DRUG SEEKING! Not so

    • Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team
      Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team says:

      Antoinette, I am sorry to hear that. If you have any questions about what you read in the book please feel free to join us weekly on the Live Facebook video chats and ask your questions. Dr. Murphree does this weekly, as well as providing countless free articles and video to try and help people that are suffering. If you need more one-on-one help he has programs available. You are always welcome to fill out the application so we can determine which program may be a good fit for you! >>

  7. Beverly
    Beverly says:

    So. . .Mayo Clinic does not believe fibromyalgia is real either! It is “all in our heads” I suppose. I am very tired of “DOCTORS” thinking that. It is because they do not have it!

  8. Marianne Bush
    Marianne Bush says:

    I am so glad I chose Dr Murphree over Mayo (which was recommended by a few doctors who gave up on me)! He likes a challenge and he has NOT given up on me. If you cannot afford to work with him one on one, I recommend checking out his website and reading his book. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and for extended times could not even shower or make a meal. Thank goodness with Dr Murphree’s help, I am improving. Am I completely better yet? No. But I have improved enough that I can enjoy my summer and I am looking forward to putting up a Christmas tree come December (haven’t done that in 3 years). It is not a quick fix. It takes time. However, improvement is improvement and it’s better than paying for cognitive behavioral therapy which has since been disproven to help with chronic fatigue syndrome. Even the CDC recognizes that it is not a psychological illness, but rather a biological illness. Yes, CBT can help with the discouragement that goes along with having a chronic illness, but it does NOT treat that chrinic illness. Thanks to Dr Murphree for being willing to step outside the box to help us and wishing everyone hope and healing! 😊

  9. Deborah L White
    Deborah L White says:

    All I hear from her is with her hand on my shoulder “there there now Deborah you really don’t hurt as much as you hurt and all you really need to do is exercise because that will cure most if not all of your Fibromyalgia symptoms.” I think not. Next……

    • Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team
      Dr. Rodger Murphree & Team says:

      Exactly, It’s sad that some people do not ever find a doctor who is knowledgeable and experienced with treating Fibromyalgia. While no two people are identical there are SO MANY things that we can do to get to the root cause of your symptoms and get your life back! Thanks for standing up for yourself Deborah! You deserve to feel good. Everyone does.

  10. Carla
    Carla says:

    I have been told that I have Fibromyalgia, only problem is, I’m not in pain. Unless you touch me on the pressure points. I bruise easily. I have tested positive ANA and my CRP is always high, rnp is high, but not real high. I have 4 different specialists, but they only address certain symptoms
    I have a neurologist for
    Chronic intractable Migraine
    Hemiplegic Migraine
    Restless legs
    Essential Tremor
    Serum negative MG

    I have significant loss of strength and balance


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