Putting It All Together
Here is the recording for this months Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia Teleconference
Feb 2013 Teleconference – Putting It All Together
Reminder: Save $100 off my Jump Start Weight Loss Program good until February 14th
My patients consistently lose up to a pound a day, 15-30 pounds a month on this amazing, all natural, safe, effective, revolutionary weight loss program! They also report that they have significantly increased their energy, radically improved their sleep, moods, and mental clarity and eliminated or drastically reduced their pain.
Too good to be true?
Not really. You see this unique weight loss formula combined with an anti-inflammatory diet, does exactly what it is supposed to do-reduce inflammation (reduces pain) and repairs your sluggish metabolism (energy). It is just good science and biochemistry, applied in a way that allows you to safely and consistently lose weight day in and day out without having to exercise, eat special prepackaged foods, count calories, feel hungry, or supplement with dangerous drugs or painful shots.
I have had fibromyalgia for over 7 years. I am looking forward to your information to help me.
I hope to get the information to help with the Fibromyalgia that I have suffered for so many years. Thank you