Rachel from Alabama Beats Fibromyalgia By Working With Dr. Murphree
“I was totally exhausted, I had the fibro fog constantly and I was forgetting everything. I was finishing up my master’s degree in counseling, so it was trying to finish up something and trying to take a test on the material that you couldn’t remember … having literally a hard time remembering where you were and what you were doing. A whole lot of sensitivities to different things; if the covers touched me it really bothered me, or if my husband got too close, the heat and the cold really got to me … especially the heat.”
“Now I can get out of bed in the mornings and I don’t feel like I’m going to fall apart. There’s not as much pain. Occasionally there are still days that I have a tiny bit of pain, but for the most part relatively pain free.”
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Excerpt From Teleconference: Rachel Shares Her Story
Dr. M:
Rachel joins me from here in Alabama. Rachel, thanks for joining me. Can you share a little bit about your experience with your fibromyalgia, where you were prior to working with me and tell me how you’re doing now.
Yeah, maybe 3 years ago or so I had just gotten out of the air force, I was medically retired for asthma and I started having some symptoms. I had gone to my primary caregiver and told her I was having some pain, it was getting harder to walk. I was still going running every day at that time, but it started getting worse and worse. There was maybe a 3-6 month period, it got to where I could barely walk. I kept telling her about the pain and I was only about 29 at that time … she kept saying you’re too young, you shouldn’t feel that way, there’s no way that you should be in pain right now. It took about a year of complaining to her before she actually started doing something about it. It took a while before they finally diagnosed me with fibromyalgia at the time. My stepmom Robyn had been coming to see you and talking to you … she suggested that I go ahead and talk to you. I looked into it and that’s when we decided to do that.
Dr. M:
Before we started working together, what complaints were you having? Can you tell me about your pain and low energy, some things that you were having issues with?
It was a whole to low energy, I’d get up totally exhausted. I’ve known several people with fibromyalgia and their doctors weren’t really helping them. I was totally exhausted, I had the fibro fog constantly and I was forgetting everything. I was finishing up my master’s degree in counseling, so it was trying to finish up something and trying to take a test on the material that you couldn’t remember … having literally a hard time remembering where you were and what you were doing. A whole lot of sensitivities to different things; if the covers touched me it really bothered me, or if my husband got too close, the heat and the cold really got to me … especially the heat. Living in Alabama, it’s not too pleasant with the heat bugging you. I didn’t want to be around people. I was feeling down but not as much as depressed. I wasn’t on that many medications because I had just gotten off some depression medicine that my doctor had me on, due to some stuff that had gone on in a previous relationship. I was trying to get off medications and the doctor had actually offered to give me more medications; I told him I would prefer not to. I was trying to go the healthy route and avoid as much extra that I could. I started trying to exercise too, of course that was a pain because I could barely move. I started simba class and I couldn’t do most of the moves that people could do, that were even half my age. I tried my best and that helped a little bit. I tried dieting. I hadn’t been diagnosed with any thyroid problems. The doctor kept saying I didn’t have, he said it was close to normal. They wouldn’t do anything for that and I kept struggling with losing weight. In one year I gained over 33 pounds, so I was struggling a whole lot with even my self-image at that point too. I went literally from running every day and being in decent shape, to barely able to move and get out of bed … waking up and feeling like I was an 80 year old woman.
Dr. M:
One of the things that we found in you, they kept telling you that you didn’t have a problem with your thyroid but you did. We found that with testing and then we found problems with adrenal fatigue. You were able to do the anti-inflammatory diet and you lost a good bit of weight. How much weight did you lose on the diet?
A little over 30 pounds.
Dr. M:
I tell everybody it’s not about the weight loss, it’s about getting healthy. In the process of getting healthy, fixing your thyroid and adrenals, you were able to do this diet that then allowed you to lose that weight. By losing the weight, you found your energy went up and your pain went down.
A significant amount.
Dr. M:
Given where you’re at now compared to where you were 2 years ago, what’s the difference? Can you give us a little idea of what it was like 2 years ago, what you could do then and what you can do now?
Now I can get out of bed in the mornings and I don’t feel like I’m going to fall apart. There’s not as much pain. Occasionally there are still days that I have a tiny bit of pain, but for the most part relatively pain free. I don’t have as many symptom spots on my body, like on my knees. I can exercise a lot more easily and I don’t have to feel like I’m struggling, just even walking on inclines. I can walk up the stairs now without feeling like I’m going to die. I can remember a whole lot more things … the diet, I believe the way you eat helps your brain functioning too.
Dr. M:
True, true. What was it like working by phone? You’re in North Alabama and I’m in Central Alabama … like most of my patients, even though you’re here in the States we worked by phone. What was that process like? How did you find that arrangement?
It wasn’t too bad especially with you replying the emails; I was constantly emailing you especially in the beginning. It wasn’t too bad. It helped too that my stepmom had met you and she knows you, so I felt a lot more comfortable with that. You always answered questions, you were always extremely polite and everything made me feel comfortable. You truly did care, it wasn’t just a quick phone call and it’s over. You really listened, that was helpful to me. You actually act like you believed me whenever I said something … instead of saying, “You shouldn’t feel that way.”
Dr. M:
Right, it was a lot of work that went to getting healthy.
A whole lot of work, especially the diet.
Dr. M:
Do you think it was worth it?
Definitely, it was very much worth it. I recommend it to friends and family, especially some of my clients that are struggling with their weight, any thyroid or fibromyalgia problems … I recommend you to them too.
Dr. M:
What would you share with those that are listening or maybe listen to the replay? What advice would you give them in closing?
Just keep working at it and trusting that you are going to help us, just be honest about where you’re at and how you feel. If you have questions, just ask those questions because you’re always there to help answer those questions. You actually reply really quickly.
Dr. M: Rachel, thanks for joining me on the call. I look forward to setting up a call and talking soon.
Rachel: Thank you.
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I suffer terribly from fibro, Im am to the point where I cant even get up. I need help.
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I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
They say I have neuropathy…I am in so much pain….anyone have any suggestions to help with this pain..they have me in pain pills but nothing bps
I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
I hurt most all time, the fog is getting worse and worse. I would love the chance to find out how to beat this. I take lyrics 100mg TID , Amatryptline 100mg at hs to help sleep. 3 tizanidine 4 mg at Hs
I’d love to help. 90% of my practice is phone consults. To learn more about phone or in clinic consults please visit: http://www.fibroconsults.com 205-879-2383
I feel very similar to what Rachel felt. I really need to go on the anti inflammatory diet to see if it would help. I take medicine daily just to get out of bed and move around. I need HELP.
I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
I’d love to help. 90% of my practice is phone consults. To learn more about phone or in clinic consults please visit: http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
I’ve had fibromyalgia since 2009, I started doing Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments in Jan 2016 and I’m feeling Great. No more Pain my IBS is doing much better! I see Dr. Carrol Hendrick, Neurologist, I need long term treatment but I’m finally getting back to a normal life!
I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
I missed the other. I listened to part but hurting so bad. I want some help.
I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383
I’d love to help. You can learn more about setting up phone consults at http://www.fibroconsults.com or call the clinic 205-879-2383