
Dangers of High Blood Pressure for Fibromyalgia Patients

Many fibromyalgia patients suffer from high blood pressure. …

Why Meditation is a Healthy Investment

In this fast-paced, chaos-driven culture, it’s easy to underestimate…

Fibromyalgia-Falling Through The Cracks With Low Thyroid

Seventy percent of my fibro patients suffer with an undiagnosed…

Fibromyalgia - Covering Up Symptoms Rarely Works

Because you have an illness that’s hard to diagnose, it’s…

Fibromyalgia: Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help

Understanding the function of fatty acids (essential and nonessential),…

Fibromyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the large intestine…
woman stress headache

Fibromyalgia and Adrenal Fatigue

We have talked before about what I like to call the stress-coping…

Fibromyalgia Your Sleep-Wake Cycle and Adrenal Fatigue

As I have mentioned a few times before, sleep patterns is one…

Losing Your Mind With Fibro Fog

Of all the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, chronic pain,…

Fibromyalgia, Stress and Poor Sleep

Let’s briefly review what we know about stress and sleep: …
woman sleeping

Fibromyalgia, Low Serotonin and How it Relates to Sleep

Most of you know by now that serotonin is the “feel good”…

Fibromyalgia - Here is the First Key for Restoring Your Health

With every single one of my patients, my very first questions…

Create a more Fertile Environment for your Body to Function

Deepak Chopra, MD said, “happy thoughts create happy molecules,…

The Three Most Common Concerns of Natural Medicine

As an orthomolecular/functional medicine practitioner, the three…

You Might Have a Stupid Doctor Revisited…

Let me be clear: I am not saying this to be mean spirited. There…