
CFS/ME, Fibro and Your Immune System?

The immune system is an incredibly complex organism.  We actually…

Fibromyalgia and Functional Medicine

What Is Functional Medicine? Functional Medicine addresses the…

Fibromyalgia and Peeling The Onion Layers – What Depletes Your Stress-Coping Savings Account

We are all born with a certain amount of chemicals like hormones,…
you are what you eat, junk going in creates a body of junk

The Digestive Tract – How it Works and How it Can Aggravate Your Symptoms

You’ve heard it before “you are what you eat.” However,…
yeast overgrowth, Dr. Rodger Murphree

Are Food Allergies or Sensitivities Contributing to Your Pain?

Many of my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients…

I Just Want To Play With My Kids

Stephanie A. had been battling fibromyalgia for over 15 years…

Young Moms with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a widespread painful condition that is often…

Tips to Sleep Better with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an extremely painful condition that is widespread…
still taking medication

Fibromyalgia & how Big-Business Pharmacy Profits from your Pain

Most patients who have had fibromyalgia for more than a few years…

Blood Tests for Thyroid are Inaccurate

Blood tests for thyroid function measure the amount of TSH, T4,…
gastric issues and IBS syndrome

Can You Fix My IBS?

Digestive enzymes Most digestion and absorption takes place…

Fibromyalgia And Sleep

Fibromyalgia is an extremely painful condition that is widespread…

Let's Talk About Fibro Fog ...

Tonight, what we’re talking about is fibro fog. In fibro fog,…
thyroid zoomed

Fibro & Low Thyroid ...

The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck and is primarily…
thyroid zoomed

Fibromyalgia and The Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body-especially…